Map Tools

This tools allows for comparison in emissions for a single or multiple facility over the years. Please select the facilities in the dropdown menu below.

Emissions provided in the TRI are largely used here since it's the most consistent and complete data set. In cases where multiple data sources were availlable for a given year, e.g., NEI, then the maximum emissions of NEI/EPA are used.

Plots are interactive. Try hovering over a data point. At a later date, a link may be added to direct to the facilities website. The generated plot can also be downloaded by clicking on the download button that appears on the far top right corner when hovering above the plot.

Data used for the map and charts are shown below. Note that cancer risks for years when EPA did not conduct its assessment, i.e., 2015, 2016, 2018 - present, are estimated using a simple weighted approach. A more complex (and hopefully more accurate) estimate using inverse-distance weighting (IDW) approach is in the works.

Created by Ankur Singhal to track ethylene oxide emissions reported by emitting facilities and the corresponding analysis done by EPA to estimate cancer rates as part of Air Toxics Screen (formerly named NATA ).

Future directions

Updates on cancer risk will be made based on 2021 ethylene oxide emissions. An inverse-distance weighted (IDW) approach to estimate cancer risks for all census tracts for years when EPA did not conduct its assessment is also in the works. A detailed explanation of the methodology as a Medium post will be made available when the ananlysis is complete.


The code for this dashboard is available on Github .